1. Reserved times include set up and clean up time.
2. Please DO NOT arrive earlier than the specified reservation time.
3. Check-in / Check-out is required with on-site personnel.
4. Person reserving the Activity Room MUST be present for the entire event and, if a Member, supply their amenity access card to allow their Guests to access the Activity Room.
5. All Guests and minors must always be supervised.
6. The facility shall be left in the same condition it was prior to the event, which includes but is not limited to:
• All garbage generated is removed from the premises and may be placed in the District's dumpster. The District will provide garbage bags for replacement in garbage containers.
• Remove all displays, favors, helium balloons, and remnants of the event.
• Wipe off tables, chairs (as needed), sweep floors and mop (as needed). Renter to supply own cleaning products to wipe off tables and chairs.
1Terms used herein are defined in the District's Amenity Policy (hereinafter defined), which include the following terms: Member shall mean Residents, Tenets, and/or Annual Passholders.
2Non-Member shall mean any person who is not a member.
7. Renter must supply all party products. This includes plates, napkins, cups, etc.
8. No glitter, confetti, bird seed, rice, or silly string is allowed.
9. No smoke machines permitted.
10. Lit decorative candles are not permitted. Simple Birthday cake candles may be used but promptly distinguished (no sparklers or relighting candles).
11. Tacks, adhesive putty, scotch tape or any other wall damaging material are NOT permitted for decorating purposes.
Painter's tape may be used for wall hangings and decorations. Any strings used to tie pinatas or decorations to a post must be removed entirely.
12. No wet bathing suits are permitted in the Activity Room.
13. I understand that I am responsible for any damage or change in the condition of the facility, including restrooms, caused by my Guests or event. I also agree to be responsible for the conduct of my Guests.
14. I agree to give notice of cancellation at least 5 business days in advance of the event or my rental fee may be forfeited.
15. I understand failure to uphold any portion of this agreement may result in the forfeit of my deposit, as well as any costs incurred in excess of the deposit amount. Furthermore, I understand I may lose privileges if the Rules (defined
below) are not followed.
16. I understand that the reservation of the Activity Room does not include: (i) for Members, exclusive use of any of the District's other amenity facilities (e.g., pool; basketball court; tennis court) during the rental period; or (ii) for Non-Members, access to any of the District's other amenity facilities (e.g., pool; basketball court; tennis court) during the rental period. Except for the Activity Room, other Members are permitted full use of the District amenities during any such rental period. Inability to use the Activity Room due to inclement weather, maintenance, capacity restrictions, or other reasons will NOT result in the return of rental fee (as applicable), except as may be determined in the sole discretion of the Amenity Manager and/or the Board. I additionally understand in such a situation I WILL NOT be permitted to use the [Pool Pavilion or Picnic Pavilion] as an alternative space for my event.
18. I acknowledge and agree that myself, my Household, and my Guests are required to adhere to all District policies, rules, and regulations, as currently in effect and as may be amended from time to time (collectively, "Rules"), including but not limited to the rules listed herein ("Agreement Rules") and the District's Recreational Facilities and Parking Rules & Regulations ("Amenity Policy"). Failure to comply with such Rules may result in the forfeiture of the deposit. A copy of the Amenity Policy can be found on the District's website or requested from District staff.